Gillis Gilkerson Lends a Helping Hand to Diakonia

Gillis Gilkerson Lends a Helping Hand to Diakonia

OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND – Nov 15, 2024 – Gillis Gilkerson was honored to lend a helping hand to Diakonia, the Lower Eastern Shore’s only comprehensive provider for homeless men, women, families and veterans. Diakonia offers a wide range of services helping individuals and families rebuild their lives, from providing shelter, food and clothing, as well as program services. Diakonia operates multiple locations in the Ocean City community including a thrift store, however the bulk of its services center around its headquarters located at 12747 Old Bridge Road in West Ocean City.

The Old Bridge Road facility features two structures that serve as the non-profit’s headquarters, emergency housing, a food pantry, a community kitchen, counseling areas, gathering areas, and offices for support staff. The bustling complex takes advantage of every square inch of space, making sure its guests receive rapid, quality care and support. Naturally, the older structures with such high levels of daily use require repairs and upkeep.

“When Diakonia reached out, we were thrilled to offer assistance,” said Director of Marketing Jamie Heater.  “Diakonia gives so much to our community, and Gillis Gilkerson loves using our skills to help those that help others.”

Gillis Gilkerson Operations Manager Wayne Porter and Superintendent Bruce West met with Diakonia Community Coordinator Susan Blaney, and Executive Director Ken Argot to discuss a variety of needs and potential projects at the Old Bridge Road complex. Of immediate concern, and top on the list was an exterior stairwell that led to the second-floor office and back-up dry food storage area.  The access point is heavily used by staff members, often carrying heavy loads.  While structurally sound, the stairwell’s upper landing was extremely small, making it a tight squeeze to navigate opening the door, especially with items in hand.

Gillis Gilkerson went to work expanding the upper landing of the stairwell, reinforcing the structure and handrails with materials to match the existing structure.  The Gillis Gilkerson team, made up of Superintendent Brian Revel and Carpenter Frankie Antimary, made quick work of the project and installed a storm door that had been donated to Diakonia, allowing for extra daylight in the second-floor office area. Gillis Gilkerson will continue to make itself available to Diakonia in the future, as projects arise.  To learn more about Diakonia visit