17 Aug Seeing Construction Through a Developer’s Lens

The process of developing real estate cannot take place without the utilization of commercial construction services—they go hand-in-hand. As a firm specializing in both components of the process, Gillis Gilkerson (GGI) has an extensive, all-encompassing understanding of the complexities these projects can present. For developers, who better is there to work with than a company who can offer construction expertise backed by decades of development experience? A team who understands their unique goals, challenges, strategy and bottom line; a team who has played the role of developer and therefore understands the needs and requirements of a general contractor in the (re)development realm.
With 40+ years of experience in commercial real estate development, Dennis Silicato, President of Silicato Development, decided to try something new. For years, Silicato’s focus had primarily been on the development of shopping centers, housing developments and industrial complexes— medical developments were outside of his wheelhouse. Silicato saw an opportunity to create a one-stop shop for healthcare in Milford, Delaware and formed a strategic partnership with Gillis Gilkerson’s construction team, proven specialists in the medical construction industry.
“I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel,” said Silicato. “I have a strong relationship with Gillis Gilkerson and knew as a general contractor, they had deep experience in medical construction, so I hired them for the 10th Street Medical Center I am developing in Milford.”
Silicato added that Gillis Gilkerson’s real estate development arm only added value in his decision to hire the construction company to do the job.
“They get it done right,” added Silicato. “They give me guidance and literally lay out the do’s and don’ts while facilitating the project. I trust Dwight Miller (President, GGI) and the Gillis Gilkerson team completely.”
“When we work with developers, we focus heavily on our relationship with them,” said Brad Gillis, Principal of GGI. “Each project is built on trust. We have a thorough understanding of the process and know the priorities of a developer. We know the information they want up front and are able to speak their language in a way that complements their goals while also helping them to budget by being proactive and transparent.”
The ideal construction and development team pairs investment means with drive, vision and a history of successful project execution. Gillis Gilkerson’s ability to analyze the construction process through a developer’s lens makes for a streamlined, efficient build. The team can assess the “construct-ability” of a project prior to breaking ground, resulting in cut costs, seamless timelines and invaluable guidance throughout the building process.
With 40+ years of experience in commercial real estate development, Dennis Silicato, President of Silicato Development, decided to try something new. For years, Silicato’s focus had primarily been on the development of shopping centers, housing developments and industrial complexes— medical developments were outside of his wheelhouse. Silicato saw an opportunity to create a one-stop shop for healthcare in Milford, Delaware and formed a strategic partnership with Gillis Gilkerson’s construction team, proven specialists in the medical construction industry.
“I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel,” said Silicato. “I have a strong relationship with Gillis Gilkerson and knew as a general contractor, they had deep experience in medical construction, so I hired them for the 10th Street Medical Center I am developing in Milford.”
Silicato added that Gillis Gilkerson’s real estate development arm only added value in his decision to hire the construction company to do the job.
“They get it done right,” added Silicato. “They give me guidance and literally lay out the do’s and don’ts while facilitating the project. I trust Dwight Miller (President, GGI) and the Gillis Gilkerson team completely.”
“When we work with developers, we focus heavily on our relationship with them,” said Brad Gillis, Principal of GGI. “Each project is built on trust. We have a thorough understanding of the process and know the priorities of a developer. We know the information they want up front and are able to speak their language in a way that complements their goals while also helping them to budget by being proactive and transparent.”
The ideal construction and development team pairs investment means with drive, vision and a history of successful project execution. Gillis Gilkerson’s ability to analyze the construction process through a developer’s lens makes for a streamlined, efficient build. The team can assess the “construct-ability” of a project prior to breaking ground, resulting in cut costs, seamless timelines and invaluable guidance throughout the building process.